I help singers of all levels overcome limiting beliefs, expand their range, and find their authentic voice so they can deliver a empowering and confident performance, every time!


Unlock your commercial ‘mixed’ sound and gain the tone and power you need to succeed with today’s music.

Develop the right muscles, learn the best exercises & warm-ups, and undo past damage.

Rid yourself of performance anxiety, learn to channel your inner confidence.


Let’s Find Your Voice

Not being able to sing with your full potential isn’t just frustrating, it’s incredibly common. And after 20+ years of teaching voice lessons and performing to thousands, I’ve seen it all: professionals straining to push their range or breath capacity, beginners trying to ‘belt’ everything and damaging their vocal cords, or classical/traditional singers looking to develop their commercial sound. 

Hi, my name is Annie Bonsignore, a singer-songwriter and professional vocalist and voice coach based in Toronto (Milton) Ontario. I’m a results-oriented, technique-based vocal coach and I guarantee I can make singing more fun, less straining, all while dramatically expanding your tone, range, and control. I’m able to adapt to suit any learning style,

So if you’re interested in finding your voice, whether that means ironing out some bad habits, starting from scratch, or building upon an established semi-professional or professional career, I’m confident I can help, while keeping you inspired!

Read Annie's Full Bio


What to expect


Vocal Talent is nice.
Vocal Technique is better.

Singing is deceptively difficult, and few people grow up with both the natural talent and the random luck of good technique…and yet, so many of us assume that you either “have it” or not. FALSE: virtually everyone has the capacity to develop a beautiful singing voice if shown the right technique, work with the right exercises, and work towards motivating goals.

As someone who has been told my whole life that I had lots of ‘talent’, it was only once I was shown the right vocal techniques, exercises, and approaches, by inspiring top-notch coaches, did I fully realize my true vocal potential. 

What’s more, even after decades of music lessons and many singing teachers, it was only my own research and curiosity that led me to understand that classical technique alone doesn’t equip your voice to sing in today’s commercial style, and that more was needed.

Guiding my students through the same process – regardless of level, age, or ‘talent’ – is now amongst my life’s missions. And there’s no more satisfying a moment than when my students come back and tell me about the lasting impact our lessons have had on them.

What’s the difference between Singing Lessons and Vocal Coaching?

Singing lessons (or sometimes vocal lessons), or at least how most music schools (and me as well) use the term, refers to lessons in which the voice is the main vehicle for teaching basic musical concepts and repertoire, such as how to read music, concepts of rhythm and harmony, and ear training, as well as some basic vocal techniques such as breath control, vocal warm-ups and understanding the natural two ranges (chest/head voice).

Vocal coaching on the other hand is focused completely on the musical and physical development and/or correction of your vocal instrument, with very little time spent on musical concepts. It’s not that us vocal coaches don’t think that musical fundamentals are a huge part of the journey, it’s just that if someone is coming to us, they have already established a baseline of musical knowledge and awareness and they now want to exclusively focus on their vocal performance and potentially their vocal health.

In other words, singing lessons teach music through singing. Vocal coaching assumes a pre-existing musical knowledge and works entirely on the voice.


Real students sharing real experiences 🙂

“I signed up for singing lessons with Annie to help come out of my shell, with no singing experience. She expanded my vocal range with technical exercises and supplied enjoyable music from a variety of genres. She was able to learn song requests by ear on the fly, and was always encouraging when providing feedback.

Annie increased my confidence while challenging me at the right pace. This work resulted in me asking her to arrange a song for my wedding which I sang with my bridesmaids.

We also recorded some of my songs in het studio, including a song that I planned to play for my future baby (I was pregnant at the time). It was really special and also a fun learning experience!  Highly recommend!”

“Annie’s impact on my musical life has been immeasurable. She’s been able to increase my range, I can sing longer, I can sing more often, and with less effort. Simply put I can do things now that I couldn’t before. And that’s to say nothing of how enjoyable the lessons and friendship has been.”

“Annie is a great teacher and coach. Her enthusiasm is contagious. While I had played guitar in bands for many years, I was convinced I had no natural vocal ability. Within a few weeks Annie had me singing everything from Opera to Broadway. I looked forward to every lesson, and it wasn’t long until I was getting up to perform in front of audiences with confidence. Highly recommended!”

“Annie is an incredibly gifted singer with an uncanny ability to hear where you need improvement. She teaches in the most loving manner – heads and shoulders above the blunt (and scary) music teachers I’ve had in the past. I haven’t just vastly improved my singing ability over the past year, but learned things about myself — truly “finding my voice.”

“You will not get a better vocal coach than Annie. She focuses completely on what needs to be done to help you to open and expand your vocal abilities. I can’t commend Annie enough for all the she has done to help me improve, gain confidence and increasing my command of my voice. Annie you are the best!”

Annie Bonsignore sitting at a grand piano

What Type of Lessons Do I Offer?

Get in touch

For students ready to focus on their vocal performance, I offer vocal coaching for teens and adults from beginner to working professional vocalists. We’ll work on understanding your goals, assessing your voice for opportunities and weaknesses, and identifying bad habits that may be causing damage or limiting your range and tone.

I offer private singing lessons to beginners of all ages, which includes vocal exercises, the fundamentals of proper technique, and an exploration on a variety of musical styles, including:

-musical theatre
-classic and contemporary pop/rock
-jazz / cabaret

What I Offer

Singing Lesson Rates

45 Minute Youth (10-18) Lesson

Ongoing Weekly


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1 Hr Lesson (in person/Virtual)

Ongoing Weekly


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Specialized Coaching

Per Session Rate


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For most people, the answer is no. Or at least not safely or with healthy and effective singing technique that can maximize your potential. While some people are born with a very strong sense of pitch, and others may already be musically skilled in another instrument and can apply some of those skills to their own voice, it is extremely difficult to self-assess your own vocal behaviors and habits. Not only can you not hear your voice the way others hear it – making it difficult to hear yourself objectively – it’s also very difficult to know when and if you’re damaging your voice.

Absolutely. I have worked with people claiming to be ‘tone-deaf’ (a real but very rare condition, though the label is thrown about pretty casually) and developed strong, confident, in-tune vocalists happy to perform in public. I have worked with professional singers with decades of experience and fixed breathing, pitch, tonal, and range issues that they were convinced were “unfixable”. I have worked with people who have only ever sang classical and helped develop and discover their pop voice. A good vocal coach seeks to understand your pain-points and goals, identifies the problem areas, and creates a lesson and practice plan that fixes the issues and keeps you inspired.

Singing lessons are typically less than vocal coaching. They typically cost the same as a piano lesson or guitar lesson, which will differ depending on the city or region you live in. In my area (Toronto / Milton), vocal teachers usually charge between $40-60 per lesson.

Voice coaches usually cater to a slightly older and usually (but not always) more experienced audience of professionals or semi-professionals, and are themselves more experienced as performers with more teaching experience, with typical fees between $50 – 150 per session.

Contrary to some beliefs, adults are absolutely able to learn new musical skills, and singing may be one of the most realistic goals. Unlike learning piano which can take months or years before you can reproduce the music that inspires you, a great instructor can connect you with your favourite music quickly while knowing how to start building your skill level and confidence.

Teaching adults does require a different teaching style than younger learners; there needs to be a realistic appreciation for the unpredictable nature of a work week and hectic schedule, and an understanding of how exposing and disorienting it can be for an otherwise successful professional to suddenly be outside an area of expertise or competence.

If you’re a prospective adult vocalist, be sure to connect with an instructor with a proven track record of success with mature students.

As mentioned above, singing lessons are usually geared towards younger learners who are looking to learn musical fundamentals and develop their early singing voice simultaneously, whereas vocal coaching is almost entirely focused on the physical act of singing with little or no consideration for teaching music theory or history, or involved with or concerned with examinations, festivals, or standardized curriculum.

Yes, now more than ever. Prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, online lessons were considered novel, but with very poor technology, vocal instructors had a difficult time seeing or hearing the nuances of someone’s singing skills over a Zoom call. With the work-from-home revolution now firmly entrenched, video conferencing tools and specialized online music lesson software has enabled voice teachers to deliver highly effective lessons to students anywhere in the world.

Woman giving a singing lesson to a man in a city apartment

Book Your Free Trial & Assessment Now

Let’s assess your voice for any damage, understand your past experience, talk about your goals, and get to know each other a little. The session’s on me!